Regional Presentations
Hip Arthroscopy. Basic Science, Edina, MN. October 8, 2014.
Hamstring Injuries. TC Marathon Conference, St Paul, MN. October 3, 2014.
Perspectives on Evaluation, Treatment and Therapy of Hip/FAI. Sports Medicine Grand Rounds, Edina, MN. October 1, 2014.
Hip / Pelvis Apophyseal Avulsions: Diagnosis and Management, TRIA Annual Conference. Edina, MN. June 6, 2014.
Minnesota Orthopaedic Society Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, MN. May 16, 2014.
- Functional Outcomes and Return to Sports after Acute Repair, Chronic Repair and Allograft Reconstruction for Proximal Hamstring Ruptures
- Poster: Complications after Hip Arthroscopy: A Prospective, Multicenter, Study using a Validated Grading Classification
- Poster: Arthroscopic Hip Revision Surgery for Residual FAI: Surgical Outcomes Compared to a Matched Cohort after Primary Arhtroscopic FAI Correction
Current Concepts in Sports Medicine: Edina, MN. April 4, 2014.
- Moderator for Session 1
- Hip Pain in a Hockey Goalie
MIAC Athletic Trainers Meeting. Midtown Exchange Building-Allina Commons, Minneapolis, MN. December 13, 2013.
Free Athlete Evaluation Skills Course: Practice Evaluation Skills for High Volume Settings- Streamlining Care for Your Athletes. Twin Cities Orthopedics. Edina, MN. Wednesday, December 11, 2013.
- Hip Overview and Evaluation Pearls
- Hip Evaluation Demonstration
Hip Arthroscopy. Complicated Cases for the Fellowship. September 11, 2013.
Sports Hernia: Perspectives from Around the World. Current Concepts in Sports Medicine: Overhead Athletic Injures: Safe to Pitch or Throwing Caution to the Wind? Edina, MN. May 17-18, 2013.
Research- Oriented Sports Medicine. Sports Medicine Grand Rounds, Edina, MN. April 24, 2013.
ACL. Basic Science for Fellowship Program. Edina, MN. March 6, 2013.
Treatment of Hip Pain Allina Commons, Minneapolis, MN. December 11, 2012.
Update for FAI. November 7, 2012.
Know when to walk away, know when to run: pelvic and femoral stress fractures. TC Marathon Conference, Minneapolis, MN. October 5, 2012
Hip Pain in Dancers: Pushing the Anatomic Limits. MN Dance Medicine Conference. Minneapolis, MN. August 24, 2012.
Hip Problems: What’s Sex Got to Do With It? TRIA Orthopaedic Center Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Conference. Bloomington, MN. June 1, 2012.
Minnesota Athletic Trainer’s Association. Alexandria, MN. April 27-28, 2012.
- Physical Examination Lab: Evaluation of the Athletic Hip
- Prevention of Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI) and Outcomes After FAI Surgery in Athletes
Minnesota Orthopaedic Society Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, MN. April 27, 2012.
Hip Pathomorphology and Relationship to “Hip Joint” Related Symptoms in Patients Presenting to an Orthopaedic Clinic with “Hip”Pain
POSTER Presentations:
- Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine Deformity as an Extra-articular Source for Hip Impingement: A Series of 10 Patients Treated with Arthroscopic Decompression
- Increasing Alpha Angle is Predictive of Athletic Related Groin Pain in NFL Prospects
Lower Extremity Sports Medicine Research Platforms Current Concepts in Sports Medicine: The Wide World of Sports Medicine: The Olympic Athlete. Edina, MN. April 13, 2012.
I Tore My ACL: Should I have Surgery and What’s the Best Graft? Current Concepts in Sports Medicine: The Wide World of Sports Medicine: The Olympic Athlete. Edina, MN. April 13, 2012.
Live Broadcast on WCCO Radio’s Sports with Mike Max, Hopkins Health and Wellness Center, Hopkins, MN. January 26, 2012.
Knee Ligament Injures, 7th Annual Practical Orthopedics for Primary Care Providers, Minneapolis, MN. January 20, 2012.
Lower Extremity Strains & Contusions. 14th Annual Twin Cities Sports Medicine Conference. Minneapolis, MN. September 30, 2011.
Overuse Injury: Hip and Knee. 21st Annual Practical Pediatrics. Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota. Minneapolis, MN. September 16, 2011.
Current Concepts in Sports Medicine: The Masters Athlete. Minneapolis, MN. April 8, 2011.
- Hip and the Non-Contact Athlete: Soccer and Hockey
- Moderator for the Hip Session
Hip Evaluation, FAI, Sports Hernia.., What is what and how do I know. GLATA Annual Clinical Symposium. Minneapolis, MN. March 10, 2011.
Hip Impingement to Instability: Understanding through Radiographs: Hip Series: Part 2, Sports Medicine Grand Rounds, Edina, MN. March 2, 2011
Hip Fracture Management, 6th Annual Practical Orthopedics for Primary Care Providers, Minneapolis, MN. January 21, 2011.
Hip Exam Techniques: Workshop A and B Twin Cities Sports Medicine Conference Marathon Weekend. Minneapolis, MN. October 1, 2010.
Hockey Related Groin Pain: What Hurts/ What to do? Twin Cities Sports Medicine Conference Marathon Weekend. Minneapolis, MN. October 1, 2010.
Arthroscopic Debridement Versus Refixation Of The Acetabular Labrum Associated With Femoroacetabular Impingement: A 2 Year Update. Minnesota Orthopaedic Society Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, MN. May 7, 2010.
Physical Examination Pearls: Video Demonstration of the Hip. Current Concepts in Sports Medicine: From the Mount to the Mountains. Minneapolis, MN. May 1, 2010.
On Field Management of Emergent Orthopaedic Extremity Injuries, Sports Medicine Grand Rounds, Minneapolis, MN. April 10, 2010.
On the Field Management of Emergent Orthopaedics Extremity Injuries, 2010 MATA Student Symposium, TRIA Orthopaedic Center February 21, 2010
Sports Injuries of the Hip & Thigh, 5th Annual Practical Orthopedics for Primary Care, Minneapolis, MN. January 22, 2010.
Pearls from the Pros: Professional Sports: A Unique Entity or Just Another Sports Gig. Twin Cities Marathon Conference. Minneapolis, MN October 2, 2009.
Hip Arthroscopy: Patient Work Up, Indications, and Surgical Technique. Minnesota State Assembly of Surgical Technologist. Bloomington, MN. September 19, 2009.
TRIA Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Surgical Technique Conference. Tria Orthopaedic Center, Bloomington, MN. June 4, 2009.
- Hip lab- cadaveric lab.
- My Technique for Femoral Acetabular Impingement (FAI).
- Femoral Acetabular Impingement (FAI) currect concept and workup.
- Hip Arthroscopy in Supine Position Portal Placement and Anatomy.
Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference. Sheraton Midtown Minneapolis Hotel, Minneapolis, MN. May 21, 2009.
Athletic Injuries About the Hip and Pelvis: Extra-articular. MeritCare 5th Annual Orthpaedics & Sports Medicine Conference, Fargo, ND. May 15, 2009.
Athletic Injuries About the Hip and Pelvis: Intra-articular. MeritCare 5th Annual Orthpaedics & Sports Medicine Conference, Fargo, ND. May 15, 2009.
Larson CM, Taylor M, Giveans MR, Effects of Osteoarthritis on Outcomes After Arthroscopic Management of Femoracetabular Impingement. Minnesota Orthopedic Society Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN May 8, 2009.
Larson CM, Giveans, MR, PhD; Pierce, B. MD, Association between Sports Hernia / Pubalgia and Symptomatic Intra-articular Hip Pathology. Poster Presentation. Minnesota Orthopedic Society Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN May 8, 2009.
Athletic Injuries about the Hip and Pelvis. Current Concepts in Sports Medicine: The Art of Athletics. Minnesota Sports Medicine Annual Conference. Minneapolis, MN May 8, 2009.
Moderator: High Performance Athletes: Case Studies. Current Concepts in Sports Medicine: The Art of Athletics. Minnesota Sports Medicine Annual Conference. Minneapolis, MN May 8, 2009.
Stress Fractures of the Hip and Pelvis. Minnesota Sports Medicine Grand Rounds. Minneapolis, MN. March 11, 2009.
Greater Trochanteric Bursitis and Snapping Hip. Common Orthopedic Conditions: Diagnosis and Treatment. 4th Annual Practical Orthopedics for Primary Care, Minneapolis, MN. January 23, 2009.
Outcomes after ACL Reconstruction: Making progress or just spinning our wheels? 11th Annual Twin Cities Sports Medicine Conference, Marathon Weekend. Bloomington, MN October 3, 2008.
Knee Exam Techniques. 11th Annual Twin Cities Sports Medicine Conference, Marathon Weekend. Bloomington, MN October 3, 2008.
Lower Extremity and Hip Case Presentations. 11th Annual Twin Cities Sports Medicine Conference, Marathon Weekend. Bloomington, MN October 3, 2008.
Non-surgical vs. Surgical Management of ACL injuries. Minnesota Sports Medicine Basic Science Lecture. Minneapolis, MN September 24, 2008.
Failure Rates, high risk patients, effect on performance. Current Concepts in Sports Medicine: Collision and Contact Sports. Minnesota Sports Medicine Annual Conference. Blaine, MN April 11, 2008.
Hip Arthroscopy: Advances in Orthopaedic Surgery or Just Another Hammer? TRIA. Minneapolis, MN February 5, 2008.
Knee, ACL. Common Disorders and Injuries: Pearls, Pitfalls and Treatment, 3rd Annual Practical Orthopedics for Primary Care. Minneapolis, MN. January 25, 2008.
Hip and Pelvis Injuries/Pain in Athletes. Minnesota Sports Medicine Fellowship Basic Science Lecture. Minneapolis, MN. January 23, 2008.
Scary Things in Sports Medicine. Minnesota Sports Medicine Grand Rounds. Minneapolis, MN. October 31, 2007.
Evaluation and Treatment of Pediatric Knee Pain. Twin Cities Marathon Conference, Minneapolis, MN. October 5-6, 2007.
Hip Exam. Twin Cities Marathon Conference, Minneapolis, MN. October 5-6, 2007.
Knee Exam. Twin Cities Marathon Conference, Minneapolis, MN. October 5-6, 2007.
Foot and Ankle Exam. Twin Cities Marathon Conference, Minneapolis, MN. October 5-6, 2007.
Non-Surgical/Surgical Management of ACL Injuries, Minnesota Sports Medicine Fellowship Basic Science Lecture. Minneapolis, MN. September 12, 2007.
Results of Surgical Treatment of Acute vs. Chronic Complete Proximal Hamstring Ruptures: Surgical Technique for Chronic Reconstruction with Allograft. Minnesota Orthopaedic Society Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, May 2007.
ACL Injuries in Adolescents: Return to Play, re-injury rates, growth plates. Minnesota Sports Medicine Spring Conference, Blaine, MN, April 2007.
Larson CM, Neimuth P. Evaluation of the Hip. Minnesota Sports Medicine Spring Conference, Blaine, MN, April 2007.
The Aging Knee: Youth to Retirement, Why it Hurts & What To Do. Women’s Expo, Minneapolis, MN, January 2007
Interesting Cases in Sports Medicine: The Hip. Minnesota Sports Medicine Grand Rounds, Minneapolis, MN, January 2007.
ACL Injuries in the skeletally immature patient. Arthrotech Shoulder and Knee Course OLC, Chicago IL, October 2006.
Knee Exam. Twin Cities Marathon Conference, Minneapolis, MN. September 29-30, 2006.
Risk and Benefits of Corticosteroid Injections in Sport Medicine. Twin Cities Marathon Conference, Minneapolis, MN. September 29-30, 2006.
Lower Extremity Overuse Injuries in Runners, the Top5: Diagnosis and Treatment. Twin Cities Marathon Conference, Minneapolis, MN. September 29-30, 2006.
ACL Injuries in Children. 16th Annual Practical Pediatrics for the Primary Care Physician. Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota. September 28 & 29, 2006.
Non-surgical/Surgical Management of ACL Injuries. Minnesota Sports Medicine Fellowship Basic Science Lecture. September 13, 2006
Larson CM, Giveans MR. Arthroscopic Management of Femoroacetabular Impingement: Early Outcomes. Minnesota Orthopedic Society 2006 Annual Meeting, May 12, 2006.
Larson CM, Neimuth P. Physical Exam of the Hip. Minnesota Sports Medicine Spring Conference, Blaine, MN, April 2006.
Larson CM, Smith, JP. Point-counter-point: Mensical repair versus meniscectomy. Minnesota Sports Medicine Spring Conference, Blaine, MN, April 2006.
Multiple ligament injuries of the knee, Minnesota Sports Medicine Fellowship Basic Science Lecture. Minneapolis, MN. March 2006
ACL Injuries in the Skeletally Immature Patient. Minnesota Sports Medicine Conference, March 2006.
ACL Injuries in the Skeletally Immature Patient. Arthrotech Shoulder and Knee Course OLC, Chicago, IL, February 2006.
Non-surgical/surgical management of ACL injuries. Minnesota Sports Medicine Fellowship Basic Science Lecture, Minneapolis, MN September 2005.
The Effects of a Specific Neuromuscular Agility Program on Early Functional Recovery after ACL Reconstruction: A prospective, randomized study. Minnesota Sports Medicine Spring Conference, Blaine, MN, April 2005.
ACL graft choice: Dissection, harvest and donor site morbidity. Minnesota Sports Medicine Spring Conference, Blaine, MN, April 2005.
Larson CM, Purcell M. Hamstrung by Hamstring Injuries: Diagnosis, management and return to play. Minnesota Sports Medicine Spring Conference, Blaine, MN, April 2005.
High Risk Stress Fractures. Minnesota Sports Medicine Conference, February 2005.
Minneapolis Sports Medicine Center Conference, April 2004.
- Acute PCL Injuries
- Neuromuscular Training after ACL Reconstruction.
Diagnosis & Management of Hip Disorders: Role for Hip Arthroscopy. Minneapolis Sports Medicine Center Conference, February 2004.
Meniscal Tears: Take it of Leave it. Minneapolis Sports Medicine Center Conference, November 2003.
Hamstring Injuries, Proximal to Distal Surgical- Non-surgical Implications and Return to Play. Minneapolis Sports Medicine Center Conference, May 2003.
High Risk Stress Fractures: When relative rest is not enough. Minneapolis Sports Medicine Center Spring Conference, April 2003.
Evaluation & Management Base of the 5th Metatarsal Fractures. Minneapolis Sports Medicine Center Conference, February 2003.
ACL Reconstruction: Is there a gold standard? Minneapolis Sports Medicine Center Conference, November 2002.
Muscle Contusions & Myositis Ossificans. Minneapolis Sports Medicine Center Conference, August 2002.
Groin Injuries in the Athlete. Minneapolis Sports Medicine Center Conference, March 2002.
High Risk Stress Fractures. Minneapolis Sports Medicine Center Conference, December 2001.
Muscle Contusions & Myositis Ossificans. Minneapolis Sports Medicine Center Conference, September 2001.
Larson CM, Kelley SS, Blackwood D, Banes AJ, Lee GM. Retention of the Native Chondrocyte Pericellular Matrix Results in Significantly Improved Matrix Production. Presented at the North Carolina Biotechnology Meeting in Raleigh, N.C., June 1998.